7 Photographers Capture An Icon Like None Other Happy Birthday Marilyn Monroe! How does a thing like this happen? In a career lasting just 17 years, a young woman launches from total obscurity into the stratosphere, becoming one of the most famous people to ever live. Her name and likeness more easily recognized than history's most powerful and accomplished individuals. PLEASE JOIN US AT POP INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES TO CELEBRATE MARILYN'S BIRTHDAY... Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 7pm to 9pm 473 West Broadway New York, NY 10012 RSVP Required T. 212-533-4262 E. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE 7 PHOTOGRAPHERS CURATED BY ANDREW WEISS William Carroll First photographer to pay Norma Jeane for modeling. He was creating a display card to promote his business and he liked her wholesome girl next door manner. He picked her up at her apartment in West LA and drove up PCH to Castle Rock where they spent the day shooting. She brought her own clothes and did her own makeup and hair. She was paid $20 which is about $200 today. Andres de Dienes On August 2, 1945 Norma Jeane signed with the Bluebook Modeling Agency in LA and within a year had 33 covers in her portfolio. Andre deDienes was already a well known photographer. He called the agency looking for a model for figure studies and while Norma Jeane didn’t commit, since this was practically considered pornography at this time, she did agree to meet with de Dienes. They had instant chemistry and although she was married took off with deDienes on a road trip for a month. They were very successful together and some say they had relationship that was more than just friends. It was no too long after she started her transformation to Marilyn. They met up again in New York in 1946 as she was beginning her film career and she asked him to photograph her. They went to the beach somewhere on Long Island and beach was packed until all of sudden it started pouring rain. In minutes the beach was deserted. They waited it out and the sun came back within minutes and they had the beach to themselves where they proceeded to shoot, in my opinion, some of the best photos of her. Lazlo Willinger Lazlo Willinger photographed Marilyn in 1948. This was when the studio execs started investing in her looks; lightening her hair, having her hairline raised, her bite corrected and teeth whitened. Willinger was a premiere Hollywood glamour photographer. Milton Greene Milton Greene and Marilyn Monroe had a wonderful working relationship as well as deep friendship. They started a production company together in 1955 after Greene’s attorneys found loopholes in her contract with 20th Century Fox where she felt she was being exploited. She spent a great amount of time at the home of the Greene family in Connecticut and the first photographic session between the two took place March 28, 1955. Kashio Aoki Aoki was a steward aboard the Pan American flight the newlywed Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio were flying for a combination honeymoon and promotion for the Japanese baseball season. When they were leaving there had been so many photographers and the press hounding them they refused to cooperate with anyone leaving 250 photographers standing outside at the airport. Onboard the place was Aoki, who asked a favor, if he could take their photographs with his personal camera. They allowed him to do so, DiMaggio begrudgingly, and the roll of film sat undeveloped for almost 50 years. Bert Stern Their infamous photoshoot at the Bel Air Hotel. There is a very entertaining story in Bert Stern’s book about his trip out to LA to shoot Marilyn for Vogue but I won’t write it here. Suffice it to say the room was stocked with her favorite red wine and champagne and only accessories for wardrobe. Remember, this was for Vogue! Anyway, she went from no nude to nude in the course of the entire evening and the shots are some of the most amazing ever. Unfortunately vogue didn’t agree and they had to reshoot the entire session this time with hair, make up and wardrobe people. These photos were taken 6 weeks before her death. George Barris George Barris was an experienced photojournalist hired by Cosmopolitan to shoot and interview Marilyn after her dismissal from “Something’s Gotta Give”. He pitched the idea of a book so she could tell her side of the story and she was very excited about a new start. The photos were relaxed and beautiful, taken at the Hollywood Hills home of Tim Leimert and at the beach in Santa Monica, CA. these photos were taken 2 weeks before her death.