MARCO – A Lower East Side Creative Legend Back At the Pop Gallery

Back On The Bowery MARCOART – A Lower East Side Creative Legend Pop International Galleries presents Marco Saturday – October 15th, 2016 7pm to 9pm 195 Bowery (at Spring Street) NEW YORK, NY 10002 RSVP REQUIRED t. 212.533.4262 e. Put simply, Marco is a LIVING LEGEND in the world of Pop Art, and could be considered the Andy Warhol/Keith Haring of his generation, but unlike both of them, Marco was born and bred in New York City. Marco pioneered the Lower East Side when he opened up his first gallery/studio/boutique on Orchard Street in 1992. Before that in the late 1980’s, he was selling his art on the corner of Prince and Greene Streets in SoHo. Marco and his brand MARCOARTare a cultural force of LOVE, UNITY and WORLD PEACE expressed in all media for all the nations of the world!