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El Capitan
Three Scoops
Pinocchio Loves The Girls
Stay Puff
Dream A Little
Double Lust
Lost And Found
Pop Panther
The Hit
Sprayed Daily


I didn't look up to athletes or movie stars growing up. I didn't fantasize about being an astronaut or a doctor. I didn't want to live in a house in the woods riding my bike. I fantasized about scaling gates to paint the tunnels. I looked up to guys like Tracy 168 and Futura. I wanted to live under the train tracks that showed me every morning the beautiful layups and masterpieces painted on the sides of the 4 train. I didn't live a typical life in NYC. I've had the best of both worlds. I've been shot, run over by cabbies, had the Feds investigate me, had dinners with mayors, been to private schools with the rich and famous, and public school with the forgotten. I've wandered the streets of the grimmest parts of the city and broken bread on Park Avenue.

I'm a real New Yorker. My family has been here for 4 generations. I've painted and learned from some real masters. Everything I do now comes from my experiences, travels and battles of coming from the greatest city in the world. I'm from New York!

My pieces reflect the time and experiences I'm going through and have gone through. My work is called "Layer Cake" due to my fascination of the works of art layered over and over each other all over NYC...the billboards, the subway advertisements, and the tunnels of over lapping fame seeking artists.

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