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  • We use 100% archival framing techniques, museum style mounts and high quality plexi-glass on everything we frame at Pop International Galleries.


  • Some limited editions are created on other materials, such as gesso-board or canvas and while they may be framed or stretched, they typically do not require plexi-glass.


  • Unique works on canvas very often do not require frames, but they are are stretched appropiately unless otherwise requested by the collector. (Often we de-stretch a canvas for shipping purposes.)


  • If a work on canvas requires a frame (usually determined by the artist), it will be framed accordingly, or if a collector desires a canvas to be framed, we will make appropriate recommendations for an additional charge.


  • Our frames are professionally designed.  Each frame is tastefully and aesthetically chosen to accentuate the beauty of the artwork.


  • Our frames are fabricated in a state of the art facility and the turn around time from the time you place your order to the time it is shipped is normally no more than a few days.

If you have any questions regarding framing, framing techniques, materials used or options for framing, please feel free to ask.

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